THE L.I.F.E. PROJECT Reveal New Single ‘Dying Of The Light’
THE L.I.F.E. PROJECT, the musical partnership of Grammy-nominated STONE SOURguitarist, Josh Rand and PARALANDRA vocalist Casandra Carson have released a new single, ‘Dying Of The Light’. The band debuted the colossal new song live on their recent US tour dates with Alice In Chains, Breaking Benjamin and Bush.
Casandra Carson confesses;
“I love being able to play a new song live before releasing it, because you can actually watch people’s reactions to it in real time – it’s like getting an honest, firsthand opinion. Dying of the Light definitely turned some heads on this last tour. It’s not often that the crowd hears a song for the first time and is singing along by the last chorus, so I’d say it went over really well!”
Meanwhile, guitarist and songwriter Josh Rand notes:
“Sometimes the best songs just put themselves together. That’s how I feel with ‘Dying of the Light’. I had the basic song structure down within about 30 minutes, everything just came together.”
Check out the track on streaming services.
Stylistically, THE L.I.F.E. PROJECT is a fluid combination of classic metal sensibility andRand’s penchant for pushing the boundaries of contemporary heavy. Released last summer, THE L.I.F.E. PROJECT’s debut self-titled EP can be streamed here, with physical CDs and vinyl options available exclusively through the band’s webstore or via the Nuclear Blast store.
Josh and Casandra’s 2021 debut single, ‘The Nothingness‘ was featured on numerous streaming platform playlists upon release, including Rock Hard on Spotify, Breaking Metal on Apple Music, Break Through Rock on Amazon and Metal Radar on Deezer.
Expect more from THE L.I.F.E. PROJECT in due course.